minyak angin aromatherapy

Medicated Oil Aromatherapy

Medicated Oil Aromatherapy "JAVASPA" present in Aroma Lemon can help reduce stress and anti depression, improve mood and calm the mind and give a fresh taste, Green Tea Aroma to help improve the circulatory system, and relaxation.

Aromatherapy Roll-On Medicated Oil
Aromatherapy Medicated Oil “ JAVASPA ” is formulated from natural ingredients: Menthol, Champhor and Essential Oil which is packaged in a practical Roll On bottle. modern. Provides a sensation of warmth, coolness and refreshing (Refreshing) so that it can help relieve colds, relieve flatulence, relieve symptoms of flu, headaches and motion sickness.

Composition :

Each 1 ml contains

Menthol 20%
Camphora 4%
Essential Oil Lemon 10%
Base Ad 100%

Helps relieve headaches, flatulence, colds, motion sickness, and relieves flu symptoms. Can be used as aromatherapy.

Rub as needed on the part that needs it.
Volume: 5 ml, 10 ml
POM QD 113609761

Rated 5.00 out of 5

Dragon medicated oil in Lemon Aroma can help reduce stres dan anti depresi, memperbaiki mood dan menenangkan pikiran serta memberi rasa segar, Aroma Green Tea (teh hijau) untuk membantu memperbaiki sistem peredaran darah, dan relaksasi.

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